The Art Site

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Hey, Ginga

What's the idea of hugging red-haired people?

Apparently we need it, because we get picked on for our red hair so much.
It seems that there are 'people' who torment red heads, merely because they have red hair. Seems similar to the way Black people were sold as slaves because of their skin. Although the persecution against red heads isn't nearly so great, the same valuing system based on superficialities is being used.
Why is it that red heads are picked out for discrimination then?

We're different. Red hair is in the minority category of hair colours.
What's the stereotype of a red-headed person? A calm person who has a fiery temper (to match the hair) when roused, with green hair, ivory skin and freckles.
My theory is that the only reason red-headed people are discriminated against is because they don't conform to everyone else's standard coloured hair. Red hair stands out amongst the blondes, browns, blacks and grays.
Flaming against conformity, with tongues of vividly red curls streaked with strands of gold.

Hugga-Ginga Day came and went and I wasn't hugged.

- Lydie


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would have offered a hug but I didn't see you!

"What's the stereotype of a red-headed person? A calm person who has a fiery temper (to match the hair) when roused, with green hair, ivory skin and freckles."

You above mention green hair on a red haired person? On the surface it appears contradictory.

12:43 am  
Anonymous FR said...

I get the idea behind hug-a-ginga day, but why? Frankly, I'd rather not go anywhere than get hugged by perfectly random strangers just for having red hair!

11:23 pm  
Blogger Lydie said...

That would indicate you'd recognise me if you saw me. Interesting, Anonymous.
Argh! Green hair! My friend and I looked at your comment and decided that if I'd written 'red eyes and green hair' that would have been even more frightening. Perhaps green-streaked red hair *would* be nice. hmm...

1:02 am  
Blogger Lydie said...

FR - hmm. Yes, it would really all depend on the manner the hug was offered, and what the person was like. But yes, a hug from a stranger could be slightly freakish.

1:03 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are recognisable by the photo just to the right at the top of your blog.

10:44 am  
Blogger Lydie said...


1:58 pm  
Blogger FieryLocks said...

People pick on us because they are JEALOUS.

6:25 pm  

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